Introduction to Femi Akomolafe’s 5 Books
Posted by By Akogun Akomolafe at 30 March, at 10 : 30 AM Print

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Greetings, Friends.
I thank those of you who have purchased my books. To those who are yet to buy their copies, I beseech you: the books are still available.
Here are short introductions, plus the links where you can buy your copies.
Best wishes,
Femi Akomolafe
- 18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories
18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories, a book by Femi Akomolafe
In times past, it was through the telling of stories, especially when the moon was shining, that Africans learned the customs and traditions of their societies. Older members of households would call the younger ones together, and stories would be told to them. In this age of television, Internet, and video games, this invaluable heritage is fast disappearing.
18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories will take you back to the old times, with stories that are thought-provoking, witty, entertaining, and which abound with moral lessons.
Get a copy now from Amazon (Paperback/Kindle) or from HD Books, Accra – Tel: +233-50 208 5274.
18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories, a book by Femi Akomolafe
On Amazon:
2. Ghana: Basic Facts + More
Knowledge, they say, is power. There is little doubt that knowledge rules the world. A nation’s power, money, and influence depend on the collective knowledge of its citizens.
As it is with nations, so it is with individuals. The amount of knowledge an individual possesses determines how far she will go in life; hence the saying: You Earn what you Learn.
The idea for this booklet developed when we tried to get some information on the Republic of Ghana. Even with the Internet and all the Search Engines, it was very difficult for us to get all the information we needed from a single source.
So, as writers, we decided to write one for ourselves. After the information on Ghana, we then decided to add some other information we find useful.
We compiled this little booklet to put pertinent information at your disposal. It goes without saying that we have been very selective in our choices.
Kindly let us know if there are some very important information you felt we left out. We shall try to incorporate them in future if we deemed them appropriate.
Ghana: Basic Facts + More
On Lulu Press:
3. 47 Career Opportunities for the Unemployed Graduate
The internet is not just a media. It is a very powerful enabler. It is one of the most powerful weapons available to the Guerilla Unemployed Graduate, which is how you should start to consider yourself. You need a job, right? And you will do anything to get a job, correct? Ok, then, it is time to roll up your sleeve and get to work. Yes, get to work on creating your own job.
We show you on the following pages the type of jobs you can create for yourself. We have made available to you list of 47 career opportunities you can explore to create your dream job. In most cases, we give enough details to enable start off immediately. Not only that, we provide detail reference materials and links that should help you along. There is an Addendum you can explore to find sources of funding.
For your convenience, we divide the book into three broad sections ( 1 – Service Industry; 2 – Computer & Allied Industry; 3 – Agriculture and agro-processing Industry), it means that you can decide to read them in any order you want. The sections are subdivided into chapters. It means that you can go directly to the chapter that is of interest to you.
4. Africa: it shall be well
Introduction: Africa: It shall be well
It is said that it is the sad duty of a writer to chronicle the ills of his society. This book is a collection of my published literary output spanning almost three decades.
The articles have appeared as contributions in my columns in the Accra-based Daily Dispatch newspaper, the London-based Pan-African New African magazine, and on the internet-based e-magazines –,, and many other places.
They are also on my Blog
Africa’s tragedy, in my opinion, stems largely from the fact that we [Africans] continue to look for solutions to our challenges and problems from the same people who, in large measure, created the problems in the first place.
While it is true that many African problems are compounded by ineffectual leaders who are largely clueless about what they face, the truth that Africa operates in a very hostile global environment cannot be denied. This environment is also largely controlled by a people that do not wish Africans well, to begin with.
The inhuman trade regime imposed on Africa by institutions and agencies the West set up to further its interests, the flagrant and persistent interference in Africa’s domestic affairs, the covert and overt control of Africa’s mineral resources are factors that are as responsible for Africa’s woes, as is the much-touted corruption.
As amply demonstrated in many of the articles, I do not set out to excuse or absolve African leaders from the unfortunate situation that our continent finds itself today.
These leaders have chosen to align themselves with external foes to sentence Africans to a life of war and misery amid the vast mineral resources the gods bestowed on our dear continent.
The rapacious domination of Africa’s natural resources by Western multi-nationals; the gross and very blatant interference in Africa’s domestic affairs; the launching of proxy wars; the inhuman trade regime imposed on the continent from outside; the cultural, financial, economic, political and military assaults (examples: Somali, Nigeria, DR Congo, CAR, Mali etc) that the West continue to launch against Africa, cannot and should not be taken out of the equation in analyzing the problems of Africa.
I claim no oracular knowledge about Africa. I also do not pretend to have the solutions to all of Africa’s problems.
However, my firm belief as an African patriot is that Africa does not have a problem that Africans cannot solve.
That explains the optimistic title I chose for the book.
I hope that you enjoy reading this collection of my articles; I thoroughly enjoyed writing them.
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Read a fuller introduction here:
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5. Africa: Destroyed by the gods
Introduction – Africa: Destroyed by the gods.
My motivation for writing this book comes from the pain I feel when I see the havoc foreign religions have wrought on Africa, especially in the last three decades.
On all the indices known to statisticians, Africa continues to perform abysmally. This is despite all the religious pyrotechnics one sees on the continent, in particular by the new Charismatic Christian sects.
Traditionally, Africans are a deeply spiritual people. It is sad and painful to see how our deep spirituality was used to turn us into unthinking zombies. It appears as if members of the African elite – the political as well as the spiritual elite – are in cahoots to keep the people in perpetual ignorance.
In my opinion, Christianity served the purpose of softening the people that Europe wanted to enslave and colonize, of weakening us psychologically, and preparing our minds for the onslaught that they launched against us.
Some of the sermons propagated by Christianity like, “Love your enemies,” “Turn the other cheek” “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us,” “My kingdom is not of this world,” are simply utilitarian ideals that Europe used to successfully break our will to resist their imposition and domination.
They served to transform our conquerors into saviors to be worshipped.
Sadly, these are the same ideals our pastors today use to render us into unthinking masses of simpletons, so that they and the political elite can continue to loot our national resources. By successfully turning themselves into ‘men-of-god,’ the priests transform into venerable agents of the creator, so it’d be sacrilegious to question or attack them.
We need to ask ourselves as Africans what single benefit have we derived from all the prayers, holy retreats, and the burning of candles, we have engaged in over the years.
Although I did not set out to write a comprehensive critique of the Christian religion, I show enough evidence to demonstrate that it is a religion deliberately founded on fraud.
There are abundant historical records to show that the central figure of Christianity, Jeshua or Jesus, was a Roman invention; he never existed as a historical person.
There is abundant evidence to show that the book the Christians call the Holy Bible is a collection of ancient fables gathered by wandering habirus (Hebrews), and that they are not accurate historical narratives. Many of them are consciously forged stories, selected at the First Council of Nicaea, convened by one of the most murderous of Popes, Constantine, in AD 325. The most popular version of the Bible in use today was put together at the urgings of one of the worst killers to grace the English throne, King James.
My sadness at the havoc the Christian religion has wrought compelled me to start writing about it.
I hope that my struggle will propel other honest Africans to begin to challenge the false preaching of the Christians and, hopefully, regain some of our African patrimonies, before they are totally destroyed by the lies the Christians peddle.
We Africans need to sit and do some thinking.
Whilst this is not a complete evaluation of the Christian religion, the book provides enough materials for the honest investigator to search for and find the truth.
On these pages, I set forth my views on the Christian religion. I urge that they are read in the same honest spirit in which they were written.
On Lulu Books:
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Read a fuller introduction here:
Download a free chapter here:
Read a review here: Read a review here
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Femi on Amazon
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Facebook: Alaye;
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Profile on New African magazine:
Kindly help me share the books’ links with your friends and, grin, please purchase your copies.
Femi Akomolafe

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