Introduction to Africa: it shall be well
Posted by By Akogun Akomolafe at 30 March, at 08 : 55 AM Print
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a book by Femi Akomolafe
It is said that it is the sad duty of a writer to chronicle the ills of his society.
The book is a collection of my published literary output spanning almost three decades.
They have appeared as contributions in my columns in the Accra-based Daily Dispatch, the London-based Pan-African New African magazine, and on the internet-based e-magazines –,, and many other places. They are also on my website:
We tried to show in the book that Africa’s tragedy, in our opinion, stems largely from the fact that we [Africans] continue to look for solutions to our challenges/problems from the same people who, in large measure, created the problems in the first place.
While it is true that many African problems are compounded by ineffectual leaders who are largely clueless about what they face, the truth that Africa operates in a very hostile global environment cannot be denied.
This environment, to begin with, is also largely controlled by people that do not wish Africans well.
The inhuman trade regime imposed on Africa by institutions and agencies the West set up to further its interests, the flagrant and persistent interference in Africa’s domestic affairs, the covert and overt control of Africa’s mineral resources are factors that are as responsible for Africa’s woes, as is the much-touted corruption. We also should not run away from the fact that external forces have conspired to kill almost all Africa’s progressive leaders – Nkrumah, Lumumba, Sankara, to mention a few.
As amply demonstrated in many of the articles, we did not set out to excuse or absolve African leaders from the unfortunate situation that our dear continent today finds itself in.
Sadly for our beloved continent, our leaders have chosen to align themselves with external foes to sentence Africans to a life of war and misery, amidst the vast mineral resources the gods bestowed on our dear continent.
The rapacious domination of Africa’s natural resources by Western multi-nationals; the gross and very blatant interference in Africa’s domestic affairs; the launching of proxy wars; the inhuman trade regime imposed on the continent from outside; the cultural, financial, economic, political and military (examples: Somali, Nigeria, DR Congo, CAR, Mali etc.) assaults that the West continues to launch against Africa, cannot and should not be taken out of the equation in analyzing the problems of Africa.
Our firm belief, as an African patriot, is that Africa does not have a problem that Africans cannot solve.
That explains the optimistic title I chose for the book.
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Femi Akomolafe