Zimbabwe: The Algebra of regime change
Posted by By Akogun Akomolafe at 4 January, at 03 : 00 AM Print
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According to the lies being peddled by the racist Western media, Zimbabwe is another glaring example of black’s incapacity for self-governance. According to this script, black people are simply ill-equipped mentally, physically, emotionally and intellectually to manage their affairs without the guiding hands of compassionate and altruistic whites.
To these white Supremacists, president Robert Mugabe is just another example of a tyrannical black autocrat who has ran the affairs of his once prosperous country aground, and demolish all the fine institutions left over by benevolent whites – who continue to carry the ‘burden’ of their unfortunate black cousins.
Deep within all these hogwash of racist lies is buried the fact that Zimbabwe is going through very rough economic patches as a result of the punishing economic sanctions Britain and her Western partners have imposed on the unfortunate Southern African nation because Mugabe has the courage to try to right the historical wrongs of European colonialists.
To call the West, plus its institutions – leadership and scholarship liars, is to be guilty of inapt language: they have done nothing but tell lies since the dawn of history. The West singularly remains the only branch of humanity that has consistently sought its own advancement at the expense of other people. Lying, cheating, stealing double talk and other chicaneries are acceptable to Western leaders so long as it advances western interests.
Because of its stranglehold on the world’s communication outlets, the West is able to continue to peddle its lies with impunity. And the fawning journalists at the service of the western press continue to unashamedly tell bare-faced lies about objectivity.
The punishing economic sanctions against Zimbabwe are written in black and white and they are in the public domain. The question is beggared whether or not these supposedly objective truth-seekers are incapable reading and understanding their own language! The BBC, which nauseatingly continues to shout about its objectivity, cannot claim ignorance of these measures. Neither can the other White Supremacist mouthpieces like the CNN, NBC, AFP etc, claim to be unaware of the economic sanctions the EU and the United Snakes of America (USA) have imposed on Zimbabwe; yet they continue to peddle the ungodly lies about Blackman’s incompetence!
Pray, is the CNN, with all the resources at its disposal, unaware of the mind-bogglingly mis-titled law the USA has imposed on Zimbabwe – the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act passed into law in December 2000, (ZDERA)?
For those Africans who continue to buy into the lies the Euro-Press tells, it’s important to bear some important historical lessons things in mind: One lesson is that throughout history Europe has always claim to be what it is, in fact, not. Europe’s genius (and the source of its wealth and strength) lies in its ability to mask its true intentions. The success of Europe lies in its success in persuading the rest of the world to accept Europe’s selfish interests as that of humanity. Another lesson Africans will forget at their peril is that in dealing with other non-White people, Europe’s conduct has been totally dishonorable. And we are being charitable here! We should also not forget that Europe remains the only continent (even if we can call it that) that rely on other people’s resources but lack the capacity to engage in mutually-beneficial commerce; Europe cannot feed, house and cloth itself without the resources from other land. Yet, Europe always greedily wants what other people have but it’s unwilling to engage in honorable trade. That explains why Europe continues to marshal all its resources to steal what rightfully belong to other people. History is our best teacher.
When the starving hordes of Europeans were rescued by the natives of the continent we today call America, they didn’t set out to beg the so-called Indians for accommodation. Hell, no! With their philosophy of ‘Why pay for it when you can kill for it,’ when their hungry and greedy eyes eyed the vast land with its boundless resources; their natural selfish instincts were aroused. They systematically wiped out their rescuers whose sole crime was to grant the Europeans the humanity they neither understood, recognize or deserve!
Today, the vast continent of America belongs to the progenitors of the unprovoked genocidal racial war Europeans launched against the Indians. And the children of these conquistadors shamelessly built monuments, named rivers, cities after their greatest hero – the monster Cristobal Colon, aka Christopher Columbus. And they continue to celebrate their sham Thanksgiving (giving thanks to their gods for allowing them to massacre their benefactors).
The same sordid tale was repeated in Australia when that Island of Iniquities (Britain) decided to empty her criminals on the hapless Aboriginals. Never in their nature to want to share, the European bandits dumped in Australia massacred some forty millions Aboriginals whose sole crime was to own the land these depraved species of humanity craved. Today, we have the Prime Minister of these savage mongrels disturbing our peace with sanctimonious tears about democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe!
New Zealand and Canada were among the places where Europeans successfully wiped out the indigenous people in order to steal their land and resources.
Thankfully, Africans were able to successfully wrest control of their lands back from European colonizers and empire builders. This is a feat that we must not try to belittle. Africa remains the only place where Europeans were forcibly forced to regurgitate their ill-gotten lands. Whichever we throw it around, our heroes and heroines fought hard to ensure that we did not go the way of the Aboriginals or the Red Indians. We salute their gallantry!
It must be galling indeed for Europeans to see that after all the weapons they threw in our directions, we managed to take physical possession of our land. It must be doubly agonizing for them when President Robert Mugabe started the revolution of land distribution in his country.
Suddenly, Western leaders and scholars discovered that Mugabe is a tyrant in the mold of, no not Idi Amin, but Hitler himself. Again, history refuses to support these jejune attempts to paint black white. Before he began his land red-distribution, Mugabe was a darling of the West. He was lauded by the Western press as example of enlightened black leaders- the so-named New Breed African leaders!
Today Western press continue to lampoon Mugabe, but they only need to go back to their own archives to read what they were writing about the man before the land reform began. And let’s be mindful of the fact that the Queen of England herself decorated Mugabe with a Knighthood in 1994!
When the trick of a Knighthood failed to persuade him no to go ahead with his land reform programme, the British leaders and their western allies decided to break him. Contrary what Britain and her allies are saying, Mugabe’s only crime was to try and right the historic injustice of white people stealing land belonging to Africans. All other excuses they are giving we can safely dismiss as pure nonsensical.
As I keep telling anyone who will listen, the biggest problem the West has vis-à-vis Africa is that of credibility. Any African for whom thinking is not an encumbrance ought to ask herself why the West suddenly discover that Zimbabweans are yearning for democracy and human rights!
Why was it that when that accursed ruthless empire-builder, Cecil Rhodes, was cheating African chiefs of their land, Western leaders and scholars didn’t raise a voice in protest? When that stiff-necked racist Ian Smith was brutalizing the indigenous owners of the land in Zimbabwe and carting them into arid parts of the country, the West and its institutions didn’t raise a voice in objection. When Mugabe and Nkomo launched the liberation war to free their country, no country in the West lends a helping hand. On the contrary, they provided their kith and kin in Rhodesia with the wherewithal to kill and maim Africans whose sole crime was to fight for what rightfully belong to them. British firms like BP and Shell breached the half-hearted sanctions imposed on Smith and his Clique. Yet, these racists want us to develop collective amnesia, forget our history and condemn our heroes! Not on your lives!
For those Africans who still get their ‘facts’ from the BBC, I say consider this: our beloved Ghana depend on ‘donor’ support for upward of seventy percent of her budget. We are not alone; actually we are in good company. Because of the neo-colonial structure of the world’s economy, many Third World countries depend on these supports. Zimbabwe remains the only country in the world that is denied access to these supports.
According to the ZDERA, Zimbabwe is denied access to loan from all international financial institutions (section 2 of the act). Zimbabwe is denied bilateral debt relief (section 4b1). These punishing measures are to be lifted only when: “… that the following conditions are satisfied: (1) restoration of the rule of law – The rule of law has been restored in Zimbabwe, include respect for ownership and title to property…”
There we have it! Western leaders, through their press, keeps telling us the lies that they are fighting for democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe, but according to their law, all they want is the maintenance of white privileges. As Cynthia McKinney, one of the few African-Americans in the congress fumed: “To any honest observer, Zimbabwe’s sin is that it has taken the position to right a wrong, whose resolution has been too long overdue – to return its land to its people. When we get right down to it, this legislation is nothing more than a formal declaration of the United States complicity in a programme to maintain white-skin privilege. We can call it an ‘incentives’ bill, but that does not change its essential ‘sanctions’ nature. It is racist and against the interests of the masses of Zimbabweans. In the long run, the Zimbabwe Democracy Act will work against the United States having a mutually beneficial relationship with Africa.”
About the Author
Femi Akomolafe is a passionate Pan-Africanist. A columnist for the Accra-based Daily Dispatch newspaper and Correspondent for the New African magazine. Femi lives in both Europe and Africa, and writes regularly on Africa-related issues for various newspapers and magazines.
Femi was the producer of the FOCUS ON AFRICANS TV Interview programme for the MultiTV Station.
He is also the CEO of Alaye Dot Biz Limited Dot Biz, a Kasoa-based Multimedia organisation that specialises in Audio and Video Production. He loves to shoot and edit video documentaries.
His highly-acclaimed books (“Africa: Destroyed by the gods,” “Africa: It shall be well,” “18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories” and “Ghana: Basic Facts + More”) are now available for sales at the following bookshops/offices:
- Freedom Bookshop, near Apollo Theatre, Accra.
- The Daily Dispatch Office, Labone – Accra
- WEB Dubois Pan-African Centre, Accra
- Ghana Writers Association office, PAWA House, Roman Ridge, Accra.
- African Kitchen in Amsterdam Bijlmer
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Africa: It shall be well: https://goo.gl/KIMcIm
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Femi Akomolafe

Rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric. Say something meaningful for the current situation. If you really are as Pan African as you say, can’t you see the danger to Ghana in promoting support for the Zimbabwe regime.
Anonymous, 17 years ago