On Germany
Posted by By Akogun Akomolafe at 21 February, at 19 : 13 PM Print

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My Books on Amazon
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- Africa: Destroyed by the gods: https://tinyurl.com/vglfk7w
- 18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories: https://tinyurl.com/s7qrp4p
Try and get your copy. And, please, help me share the links.
Kind regards,
Femi Akomolafe
A Ghanaian thrown out of a train
before that
A Nigerian was killed by German government ‘doctors.’
In order to deport him, the German government called on the services of its new Dr. Mengeles, who gave the poor soul lethal doses of sedatives.
before that
A Mozambican was thrown off a tram!
before that
before that
“The Solingen arson attack was one of the most severe instances of xenophobic violence in modern Germany. On the night of 28-29 May 1993, four young German men (ages 16–23) belonging to the far right skinhead scene, with neo-Nazi ties, set fire to the house of a large Turkish family in Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Three girls and two women died; fourteen other family members, including several children, were injured, some of them severely. The attack led to violent protests by Turks in several German cities and to large demonstrations of Germans expressing solidarity with the Turkish victims. In October 1995, the perpetrators were convicted of arson and murder and given prison sentences between 10 and 15 years. The convictions were upheld on appeal.
“Several instances of anti-foreigner (xenophobic) violence preceded the Solingen attack. In December 1988, a German extreme-right militant, Josef Seller, set fire to the “Habermeier Haus” building in Schwandorf, Bavaria, killing the Turkish couple Fatma and Osman Can, together with their son Mehmet. The arson attack also took the life of a German citizen, Jürgen Hübner. In September 1991, violent disturbances in Hoyerswerda forced the evacuation of an asylum seeker’s hostel. During the three-day riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen in August 1992, several thousand people surrounded a high-rise building and watched approvingly while militants threw Molotov cocktails. The Vietnamese inhabitants barely managed to survive by fleeing to the roof. In November 1992, an arson in Mölln perpetrated by extreme-rightist youth killed three Turks.
In December 1992, large demonstrations protesting against xenophobia took place all over Germany, with over 700,000 participants. Several Neo-Nazi groups were outlawed by the end of 1992.
On 26 May 1993, three days before the attack, the German Bundestag had resolved to change the German constitution (the Grundgesetz) to limit the numbers of asylum seekers. Previously, the constitution had granted every political refugee in the world a direct right to refugee status in Germany.
The Solingen attack, with five people killed, was the most severe case of anti-foreigner violence in Germany at that time. One week later, an arson attack on a house in Frankfurt am Main, with 34 foreigners inside, was detected early and nobody died. A case of arson in an asylum seeker’s hostel in Lübeck” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Solingen_arson_attack
Fast-forward to 2020: ”At least nine people were killed at two shisha lounges in a German city on Wednesday evening, an assault that federal prosecutors are investigating as a possible far-right attack.
The suspect was later found dead at his home early on Thursday after the shootings in Hanau, 25km (12 miles) east of Frankfurt. Another body was found at the suspect’s home… Bild, a popular German tabloid newspaper, reported that the gunman expressed right-wing views in a letter of confession he left behind. The police could not immediately be reached for comment.” – https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/dead-shooting-german-city-hanau-report-200219232214276.html (February 20, 2020)
“Anti-immigrant populists beat Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) to second place in an election in the east German state of Thuringia yesterday, building spectacularly on their steady momentum since first entering the Bundestag two years ago.
According to exit polls, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) took nearly 24% of the vote, beating the centre-right CDU by one percentage point but, as expected, failing to oust incumbent leftwingers Die Linke. The AfD more than doubled its share of the vote. Despite that, it has no chance of entering power yet, as other parties have ruled out joining it in a coalition.
But the party’s national standing is boosted by the result, which was closely watched in Berlin, as is the status of its state leader Björn Höcke, considered Germany’s most controversial politician, who has been accused of stoking hatred with anti-Jewish rhetoric.” – https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/27/far-right-afd-surges-to-second-place-in-german-state-elections”
Readmore about the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) here: https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/09/german-election-afd-170921080912611.html
and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany
When Africans complained on SCA about what Euro-Americans are doing to Africa\Africans, we have some apologists coming to take issue with what we WRITE about what they are DOING!
We have had a lot of ‘friends’ of Africa come on SCA to profess how much they love Africa\Africans, and how they object to ‘generalizations.’ Where, may I ask, are these friends, when many families are going into deep mourning because the sons and daughters, they waved goodbye to has been murdered – SOLELY ON ACCOUNT OF THE COLOR OF HIS\HER SIN?
I do not see these friends writing letters of condemnation. I do not see them marching on German embassies across the world. I do not see them calling for a boycott of Germany. They are not calling for UN sanctions against Germany. THEY ARE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Did anything happen in Germany? Of course not, just another African killed!
Why are those who raised objection to my ‘Strong language’ not coming up with how to protect the Africans who are being murdered? They don’t care. They don’t give a damn. All they want is that we keep our mouths shut and keep accepting any\all indignities they are throwing in our way.
I said in a previous post that the world will be a more beautiful place when Europeans start to feel the same, equal pain, whenever human life is wantonly destroyed. Contrast the silence that greeted the Africans death with all the noises raised by the death sentence passed on the Dutchman in Singapore!
Suddenly, Amnesty International discovered that hanging is a Human Rights crime. Scores of Africans and Asians have been killed in Singapore without a murmur from Westerners. The telecommunications systems of Singapore were over-loaded with posts from people protesting the hanging of a single European!
As John Donne told us: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” Those, to me, are immortal words.
Again, when are we Africans going to learn that we are not being wasted (literally and figuratively) because we are Nigerians, Ghanaians, Sudanese, Angolans or whatever.
Our nationality is not written on our foreheads, our color is! We are being wasted because we are Africans.
I hope that we will remember the words of the Jewish philosopher who regretted not protesting when the Gestapo was coming for the Gypsies (he was not a Gypsy; the homosexuals (he was not one); the communists (he was not a communist). They finally came for people like him – Jews!
Below is an editorial I wrote for a Pan-African Journal after the five members of a Turkish family were killed in Germany.
The spate of attacks on immigrants in Germany is turning the nascent fascism and racism sweeping Europe into a new, ugly and fatal phase. As usual, Germany is leading Europe in foreigner-bashing and racially-inspired killings.
Shortly after the Berlin wall came down, a Mozambican was badly beaten and thrown off a tram; a few weeks later a Ghanaian was thrown from an eight-storey building. These attacks were witnessed by ordinary Germans – none came to the rescue of the hapless victims. Many were cheering these ugly attacks on black people and refugees’ centers.
On May 29, 1993, five innocent Turkish women were burned to death at their home in Solingen, Germany. These women were guilty of having been born with a different color of skin from the white skinheads who murdered them. This horrendous crime was committed in civilized Germany. The fascists who killed these women do not know them. They do not care to know them. To these hate-filled racists, these women are guilty because they haven’t been born with white skin; they haven’t got blue eyes. They do not belong to the ‘superior’ Aryan race. These perfidious acts were committed by youths who, until a few years ago, were been brought up in Marxist Internationalism. The ideology of the state to which these youth belonged, until three years ago, was geared towards the creation of the ‘New-Man,’ untainted by parochialism, nationalism and other isms that divide peoples and societies.
Five innocent women dispatched to the world beyond at the prime of their lives – consumed by the fire ignited by hate-mongers in a civilized, rational Germany – in a Christian Europe. These educated, Christian youths were dressed in the attire of hatred; their eyes burning with malignity; their mouths bellowing the songs of malice, as they marched in their malevolent orgies of death and destruction.
Among the dead were a grandmother and a child with no guilt in this hate-filled world. All were consumed by the fire of race-hate. The women were not ‘illegal- immigrants.’ They were not even immigrants. They have known no other country except Germany. They were born and brought up in Germany, where their husbands, brothers, and sisters are working hard to build a prosperous Germany.
Germany’s laws that recognized only the blue-eyed and white skin as Germans made these women immigrants in the land of their birth; made them the object of racial-arsonists. The flames of racism torched their house and singed their bodies into a cinder. Laws do not burn; people do. But the arsonists are equipped with the knowledge that they are not burning their kind; they are cleaning their country of unwanted immigrants. The law of the country of these riffraff makes anyone and everyone with a dark hue an immigrant – no matter the length of stay, no matter the place of birth.
The rationalists are at work, rationalizing away these crimes against humanity. The youth are protesting ‘unemployment,’ ‘low standards of living,’ we are told. Ah! If the arsonists are eating the flesh of their singed victims, perhaps we would understand that they are hungry – hungry in the most prosperous of European nations – where mountains of food are rotting away in silos in the name of ‘free-market.’
But these scums do not eat the burnt bodies of their victims: They are only out to kill; to maim – to cause miseries by scorching loved ones. These apologists of racism do not tell us why, if their theories are right, Africans are not burning Europeans that live in their midst. At least, compared with Europe, Africa is a description of hell on earth – standards of living are so low that they could be described as non-existent. More than hunger is at stake when men go out to set fire to a house full of women.
Those who are offering these theories do not study history. Hatred of foreigners did not start in Germany today, or yesterday. The only constant in German history is an unremitting hatred of anything foreign.
Xenophobia is part of the German BEING. Hatred and persecution of strangers is part of the German SOUL. As far back as the twelfth century, history tells us, Germans have been organizing attacks against foreigners. One such group was the ARMLEDER, members of which wore red leather and short jackets to roam the streets with nothing but lynching intentions. In 1298 a German Knight, Rindfleisch, organized a series of pogroms against Jews whom he accused of murdering little children.
The story of Adolf Hitler, another product of Germany homophobic is too well known to need recounting here.
If Germany, and indeed Europe, don’t want to be overwhelmed by immigrants, they can take practical steps to help the Third world countries to become a better place for their people to live, by stopping their super-exploitation of other people’s wealth. How? By paying fair prices for what they are stealing from the poor countries of the Third World.
There is no point in denying the relationship between the opulence of Europe and the poverty of the poor countries of Africa. Africans are slaving to produce ‘cash-crops’ like coffee and cocoa for European consumers. They have to import what they eat. And while the imports bills for European foods are rising, their earnings from the so-called cash-crops are decreasing.
If the European governments do not want Africans to come and settle in their countries, they simply should encourage European multi-nationals like Shell, Hoesch to develop a little sense of social responsibility. Ear-marking a little percentage of their huge, sickening profits, for economic and social development in the areas where they derive their fabulous wealth will do a lot more to help Africans stay in their country. Any analysis that fails to see the relationship between the absolute poverty of Zaire and the relative opulence of Belgium is flawed. The Belgians should not be surprised that Zaireans are “swarming” their country. Their high standard of living is maintained and guaranteed by Belgian multi-nationals (like Société Générale) exploitation of Zairean mineral wealth.
It doesn’t require a revolutionary to see that black slave labor (under slave trade) and African’s mineral wealth (under colonialism and the present World- Economic Order) help in building the wealth Europeans are enjoying today. Europeans are deceiving themselves if they believe that, like the ostrich, they can bury their head in sand, and pretend they can enjoy their ill-gotten wealth while people elsewhere are starving. Encouraging their multi-nationals to lessen their exploitation would do a lot more than the purported ‘aid’ Europeans believe they are given to Africa. Europeans should know that every time the prices of coffee in their supermarkets fall by a cent (as it seems to be doing all the time), coffee farmers in Africa are sinking deeper into wretchedness – they shouldn’t blame the farmer’s son for trying to follow his father’s wealth into Europe.
Since we cannot advocate the killing of anyone, not even the racist storm- troopers, we can only advise the nationals of countries, whose citizens are subjected to attack in Germany, to take corresponding actions against German interests in their countries. The Julius Berger; the Mercedes, the Hoechst of Africa should be made to pay for the crimes of their compatriots. Their assets should either be nationalized or their licenses revoked. Those of us living in Europe should lend a hand by boycotting German products. There is no reason why we should be contributing to the treasury of a country whose citizens are hell-bent on eliminating us.
The most disturbing aspect, however, is the silence of the ordinary folks in Europe, especially those who pretend to be liberals. Not a voice has been raised against all these attacks until the Solingen incident.
We urged Europeans to recover from their amnesia and wake up from their moral slumber. They should remember that just fifty years, the same type of harassment of minorities, started in the same Germany which later engulfed them in a war, in which many Africans paid the supreme sacrifice to end. If they do not wake up to their responsibility and condemn it now, they should remember that there would be no colonial subjects to serve as cannon fodder to bail them out this time around.
That article was written over a year ago. The attacks are not diminished. It has, in fact, intensified. Are we to believe that a government that was able to engage and destroyed a well-organized group like the Red Army Faction is unable to destroy these rag-tag bands of neo-nazis if it so wished?
About the Author
Femi Akomolafe is a passionate Pan-Africanist. A columnist for the Accra-based Daily Dispatch newspaper and ModernGhana, and Correspondent for the New African magazine, Femi lives in both Europe and Africa and writes regularly on Africa-related issues for various newspapers and magazines.
Femi was the producer of the FOCUS ON AFRICANS TV Interview programme for the MultiTV Station.
He was also the Man and Machine Coordinator at Alaye Dot Biz Limited, a Kasoa-based Multimedia organization that specializes in Audio and Video Production. He loves to shoot and edit video documentaries, and tend his vegetable farm.
His highly-acclaimed books (“Africa: Destroyed by the gods,” “Africa: It shall be well,” “18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories” and “Ghana: Basic Facts + More”) are available for sales at the following bookshops/offices:
- Freedom Bookshop, near Apollo Theatre, Accra.
- WEB Dubois Pan-African Centre, Accra
- Ghana Writers Association office, PAWA House, Roman Ridge, Accra.
- Afia Beach Hotel, Accra
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On Lulu Books:
18 African Fables & Moonlight Stories https://goo.gl/Skohtn
Ghana: Basic Facts + More: https://goo.gl/73ni99
Africa: Destroyed by the gods: https://goo.gl/HHmFfr
Africa: It shall be well: https://goo.gl/KIMcIm
Africa: it shall be well
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on Amazon books: http://goo.gl/QeFxbl
on Lulu Books: https://goo.gl/SQeoKD
Africa: Destroyed by the gods
on Kindle books: https://www.createspace.com/4811974
18 African Fables & Short Stories: https://goo.gl/s9tWAf
on Amazon books: http://goo.gl/1z97ND
on Lulu Books: http://goo.gl/KIMcIm
My Lulu Books page: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/FemiAkomolafe
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- Africa: Destroyed by the gods (How religiosity destroyed Africa) http://alaye.biz/africa-destroyed-by-the-gods-introduction/
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